Being that the Mojave National Preserve and the adjoining Mitchell Caverns State Natural Preserve do not have any semblance of Wifi, no posts were made from said awesome natural wonders.
We stayed in the campsite just outside of Mitchell Caverns, which has the cheapest cavern tour in the country. Very cool!
The surrounding desert was awe inspiring. Nothing manmade to the horizon but a road and a few stone buildings at the campsite where the Rangers live.
After the tour, we departed and got the chance to cash in on the potential energy we stored on the drive to the caverns. I pulled out of the parking lot, put the truck in neutral, turned off the key and we coasted for 16 miles.
After a quick stop to adjust the brakes and investigate some fluid leaking (Apparently the yahoo mechanic in Barstow did not put in a new oil seal on my axle. Gonna have to do that some time soon. Probably when we get to CO in cousin Lisa's driveway :) we headed east on 40 again for a little way until we reached the turn off for Lake Havasu.
Did you know that someone bought and moved the London Bridge and it is now in Lake Havasu, AZ? Well I kind of knew that, and no that is not why we where there. Lake Havasu has an E85 station. Neither Nat nor I where all that interested in the Bridge, we didn't even take a picture. But we did learn that in AZ it is legal to ride a four wheeler on a main road with out a helmet. A cop was even behind her and turned a different direction.
From Lake Havasu we drove up hill....literally...for 200 miles, with maybe 20 miles of intermittent flat here and there.
A quick stop in Seligman to use the lights at a closed gas station so I could see what I was doing while filling my tank from the fuel cans and we were back on the road to Prescott, AZ.
Prescott is home to a small aeronautical university that is attended by a friend of ours. She is one of a rare species at this Uni...a girl. 80% male, so ladies, if you like those odds and have the math ability to calculate them check out Prescott.
Showers are a wonderful, wonderful thing!!! Other than the Barstow rec center(best $3 I've spent in a while), the showers in Carrie's dorm have been the only bathing.
Poor Nat is still fighting hives, but luckily we have made absolutely no headway discovering the cause and/or cure.
Tonight we are helping Carrie teach at her swing dance club. Then off to Sedona tomorrow. I can't decide which is better, sleeping in the very close quarters of the truck or crashing on the extra beds in the dorm.
Thoughts on the Southwest:
Based on my scientifically insignificant data set. The only industry in the Southwest is gas stations and tire stores.
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